Tuesday, 6 January 2015

media magazine- John Snow and Owen Jones

John Snow-
Twitter was described more as a tool rather than as a form of social networking, he explained that twitter is something to just lead people to topics and allow users to find people with similar interests. He also emphasised that although journalist are not as employed as they once are there have other ways of ensuring that they are able to do still take party in journalism where as other are Free lancing. John Snow explained that the freelance journalists will be the future and will be used as and when needed by companies, however some people may still choose to branch out specialise. “New is now new” was what john snow said explained that news it now information that is up to date and which means that information is “new” and the most recent. The reason for this is because previously without tools such as the internet it meant that information such as video footage would have to have to be sent by plane or parcelled which could take a few days making the information out dated or reliable. The reason for this is because footage would then have to be edit and cut and prepared to be shown therefore being reconstructed in order to portray a certain message. However with the likes of social networking it has led to people being able to upload “raw” footage rather than information that have been reconstructed and therefore the meaning changed. 

Owen Jones-

Own jones poses a strong argument against the “elite” he suggested excellent ideas on how the media is used in order to exploit those at the bottom of society. He emphasises that the media consternate on what it done wrong by the bottom of society and is emphasised through TV programs and new papers. For instance during riots that took place due to the rise of student fees rising , the front pages were images of students created chaos however the fact that student university fess rose 3 times as much per year from £3000 to £9000 was not as emphasised. Another example is the benefit street another program used to exploit people at the bottom of society however a program such as “tax avoidance” was never created about people who are powerful and don’t pay tax. Owen jones poses a strong argument that there is a divide between the “elite” and the rest of society and he feels that this divide should be removed and everyone to be seen as an equal. 

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